Monday 20 February 2012

Researching the sublime

This isn't really relevant and is more of a reminder for me. I am currently writing an essay on the sublime and I came across this quote which I thought was a really nice interpretation.

“In broad terms, whenever experience slips out of the conventional understanding, whenever the power of an object or event is such that words fail and points of comparison disappear, then we resort to the feeling of the sublime. As such, the sublime marks the limits of reason and expression together with a sense of what might lie beyond these limits; this may well explain its association with the transcendent” pp2 xiii

"The sublime" by Philip Shaw

Sunday 19 February 2012

Edit 5 0r 6 (i forget)

Artist: Stuart Whipps

This is Ming Jue by Stuart Whipps which is a great publication and a wonderful set of photographs. I looked at this particularly because of the square format and size of the book. However what i find the most interesting about it is the unconventional cover, which as you may of noticed, has no type or title. -interesting concept-